Using wallpaper to actually cover walls isn't as popular as it used to be, but that doesn't mean wallpaper is obsolete. It can be used in a variety of other creative ways. If you're thinking about sprucing up your place at Meetinghouse, consider using these tips to incorporate wallpaper into your home decor.
- Line shelves. Instead of leaving your wall shelves or bookshelves bare, cover them with wallpaper to bring a pop of color to your space.
- Cover books. Speaking of bookshelves, you could give your beat-up books a makeover by covering them with printed wallpaper instead of using store-bought book covers.
- Line the drawers. Replace that boring brown drawer lining with colorful, stylish designs. Just attach the wallpaper with mounting squares or double-sided tape. Then cut it to the correct size so that it fits perfectly inside the drawer.
- Make a gallery wall. Pick out a few different statement wallpapers and frame rectangles of them. Then arrange the frames on a wall, creating a focal point in any room.
Creative Uses of Wallpaper in Any Room [Better Homes and Gardens]
Unexpected Uses for Leftover Wallpaper [Real Simple]
Off the Wall: Creative Uses for Wallpaper [Apartment Therapy]
19 (Other) Ways to Use Wallpaper [iVillage]